(813) 972-4444

When Should I Seek Treatment For a Cornea Condition?

The cornea is one of the most vital components of your eye. It is the clear outer layer at the front of the eye which plays a crucial role in focusing light and protecting the internal structures. It essentially acts as a transparent window that enables our vision. 

At Florida Eye Center, the top eye specialists in Land O’ Lakes, we are proud of our team of expert optometrists who have successfully treated various corneal problems, including scratched corneas, keratoconus, and corneal dystrophies. We believe that understanding when to seek treatment is just as important as receiving the appropriate treatment itself.

What Are the Most Common Corneal Conditions?


Keratitis refers to inflammation characterized by redness and swelling of the cornea. The primary cause of keratitis is infections associated with incorrect contact lens usage. Bacterial keratitis is typically treated with antibiotic eye drops. Delayed diagnosis and treatment of keratitis can lead to severe complications, including blindness.

Corneal Dystrophies

Corneal dystrophies encompass a group of genetic eye disorders, often progressive in nature, where abnormal material accumulates in the cornea, the transparent outer layer of the eye . Symptoms vary based on the specific condition, but blurry vision is a common initial sign of a corneal dystrophy. Our optometrists in Land O’ Lakes recommend staying informed about your family’s eye health history and undergoing yearly eye exams as a crucial step in maintaining healthy eyes.

Eye Injuries

Approximately 3% of emergency department visits involve some form of corneal injury. While minor corneal abrasions may heal naturally, deeper scratches or serious eye injuries can lead to vision problems if left untreated. If you are experiencing a severe eye injury, it is imperative that you seek treatment from a highly-skilled, experienced eye specialist in Land O’ Lakes.

Dry Eye

Dry eye occurs when your eyes fail to produce enough moisture. People often ignore this issue, believing it is not critical. However, if left untreated, it can cause vision issues such as inflammation, corneal ulcers, and potential vision loss. We recommend visiting one of our optometrists in Land O’ Lakes if you are experiencing any issues with dry eye.

Treatment Options

Once diagnosed by our optometrist in Land O’ Lakes you will be given prescription eye drops or oral medication to help combat your specific condition. Advanced conditions may require alternative treatment approaches, such as:

Laser Treatment 

For certain corneal dystrophies and other conditions, doctors may use a laser treatment called phototherapeutic keratectomy to reshape the cornea and improve vision. Our eye specialists in Land O’ Lakes have been utilizing this technology for years, allowing our patients to receive the most effective care for their corneal issues.

Corneal Transplant Surgery

When damage to the cornea cannot be repaired, doctors can perform corneal transplant surgery. This procedure involves removing the damaged portion and replacing it with healthy corneal tissue from a donor. The surgery typically takes one to two hours and boasts a success rate of 90%, allowing most recipients to enjoy clearer vision with minimal complications.

Artificial Cornea 

In cases where a natural corneal transplant is not a viable option due to the risk of rejection, surgeons may recommend keratoprosthesis, which involves replacing the damaged cornea with an artificial cornea. This procedure is similar to a regular corneal transplant but utilizes an artificial cornea instead of a donor cornea.

If you are experiencing cornea problems, complete our contact form to schedule an appointment or give us a call (813) 602-7336. Discover why Florida Eye Center is home to the top optometrists in Land O’ Lakes.

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To request an appointment, please access the form below or contact our office at (813) 972-4444. While we do our best to accommodate your request, appointment requests made through our website are not guaranteed until confirmed by our office. If this is an emergency, please call 911.