(813) 972-4444

Remove Cataracts and Restore Optimal Vision With an Eye Specialist in Tampa

Over 20 million people are living with cataracts in the United States. This number is only expected to grow, and by 2050, close to 50 million people could suffer from this common eye disorder. Although effective treatment options are available, many people live day in and day out with blurry vision. For these people, life is like looking through a dirty window and once brilliant sights can appear cloudy and yellow. If your cataracts have progressed to the point that your quality of life is impacted, consult an eye specialist in Tampa at Florida Eye Center. 

Living With Cataracts 

Although usually age-related, cataracts can occur at any age and for any number of reasons, including injury, diabetes, and inflammation. But those with cataracts may not notice much of a difference in their vision at first. What makes cataracts so problematic is the fact that they progress slowly over time. In its early stages, cataracts may only present itself as a slight blur and yellowing image. Over time, a person with cataracts will experience progressive vision problems, especially at night. They may need to repeatedly update their eyeglass prescription. Light and images may become so distorted that a person has trouble completing everyday tasks. By the time a specialist is finally consulted, a person can be experiencing near blindness.

While you can live with cataracts for some time by using magnifying lenses, brighter lights, newer glasses to cope with symptoms, there’s simply no need to. Whether you were born with cataracts or developed them later in life, surgery is always an option. 

Preventing Cataracts

There is no real cure for cataracts, and there is no clear way to stop its progression as of yet. However, there are several lifestyle changes that you can implement today that may help prevent cataracts: 

  • Smoking cessation
  • Alcohol cessation
  • Regular exercise
  • Regular use of sunglasses 
  • Healthy diet 

A healthy diet, in particular, may be critical for preventing cataracts. Studies have shown that a diet high in antioxidants and vitamins may eliminate free radicals and prevent the protein clumps that cause cataracts. However, as Harvard Health Publishing reports, foods that are high in antioxidants contain numerous other nutritional benefits and there’s no telling what exactly plays a role in preventing cataracts. 

When to Seek Cataract Treatment in Tampa 

There is a bright side to all this: cataracts can be effectively treated with surgery once a diagnosis is reached by an eye specialist in Tampa. Furthermore, the progression of cataracts in no way impacts recovery, meaning that your vision will recover no matter how bad it’s gotten. Despite it being the leading cause of blindness worldwide, cataracts don’t actually damage the eyes. This allows you and your eye doctor time to weigh the pros and cons of surgery and develop a treatment plan that’s right for you. Bottom line: if your cataracts are impacting your quality of life, it’s time to seek cataract treatment in Tampa

Laser Cataract Surgery at Florida Eye Center 

At Florida Eye Center, our board-certified ophthalmologists perform state-of-the-art laser-assisted phacoemulsification surgery to treat cataracts. During this procedure, the cataract is removed and replaced with an artificial lens through a small incision. Treatment takes place in an outpatient setting, and surgery takes as little as 15 minutes. 

You may be nervous about undergoing eye surgery, but our cataract surgeons have successfully performed this procedure on thousands of patients just like yourself. In as little as 15 minutes, you could reduce your dependence on prescription glasses, improve your overall visual quality, and begin living life without cataracts. When searching for cataract treatment in Tampa, trust the team of eye specialists at Florida Eye Center.

To schedule an appointment with an eye specialist in Tampa at the Florida Eye Center, please contact us today.

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