
Common Pediatric Eye Conditions and How to Identify Them

child receiving eye exam

There are a number of children whose vision affects their learning at school. However, they may not know how to communicate that they are having issues seeing. If your child is showing any signs of vision issues, it is important to spot them early so that they can be treated effectively.

As the leading pediatric eye doctors in Tampa, the team at Florida Eye Center specializes in identifying and treating common eye conditions found in children.

Lazy Eye

Lazy eye, also known as amblyopia, occurs when one eye doesn’t develop normal vision during childhood. Children with lazy eye might have trouble judging depth, squint, or tilt their heads to see better. They might also prefer using one eye over the other. Parents should be able to identify these signs and get their child checked by an eye doctor if they notice anything unusual.

Lazy eye usually starts early in childhood and can lead to permanent vision problems if not treated. Treatment might involve wearing an eye patch over the stronger eye to encourage the weaker one to work harder. Additionally, your child’s Tampa eye doctor at Florida Eye Center may recommend eye exercises to help improve vision and coordination.

Crossed Eyes

Crossed eyes, or strabismus, occur when the eyes don’t line up properly. One eye might turn in, out, up, or down, making it difficult for both eyes to work together. Strabismus can occur when a child is tired or focusing on something close up. Some kids might complain of seeing double or feeling eye strain. 

Treatment for crossed eyes might involve wearing glasses, doing eye exercises, or sometimes having surgery to correct the eye alignment. Parents should take their child to see their eye doctor in Tampa at Florida Eye Center if they notice any signs of strabismus.

Refractive Errors

Refractive errors, like myopia, or nearsightedness, hyperopia, or farsightedness, and astigmatism, are common in kids and can make it difficult for them to see clearly. Signs of refractive errors might include squinting, headaches, rubbing the eyes, or struggling with schoolwork. Regular eye check-ups are important for identifying and addressing these issues early to prevent vision issues. Glasses or contact lenses are often used to help kids see better.

Along with wearing glasses or contacts, children can manage refractive errors by taking breaks from screens and spending more time outside. You should encourage your child to rest their eyes and keep them clean to reduce the risk of eye strain and discomfort.

Schedule Your Child’s Vision Check-Up at Florida Eye Center Today!

It’s important to be aware of common eye problems in children and know how to spot them early. Get regular check-ups at Florida Eye Center to help prevent vision problems and help your child do well in school. 

​​To schedule a consultation with a pediatric eye doctor in Tampa at the Florida Eye Center, request an appointment today.


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