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Is My Vision Blurry Because of Cataracts?

A cataract is simply a clouding of your eye’s lens. It can affect your vision severely. Cataracts are quite common even in elderly individuals. By age 80, almost half of all Americans likely have had cataracts or have had cataract surgery. In this article, an eye doctor in Tampa discusses cataracts and the available treatment options.

Importance of Diagnosing and Treating Cataracts

If left untreated, cataracts can gradually impair your eyesight to the point that you may require partial or complete eye replacement surgery. It is always a good idea to have a comprehensive eye exam by your family doctor or optometrist when you begin to think you may have cataracts. Eye doctors perform cataract surgeries routinely and understand how cataract progression is linked to eye problems. They can also spot early signs of cataracts, which means they can catch the disease before it has a chance to progress too far. A properly conducted eye exam can save your vision from getting blurred even if you do not have cataracts.

Risk Factors

Eye doctors also consider other factors when determining if you have a higher risk for developing cataracts or have already had cataracts. Age is one factor that is considered. As you get older, your chances of developing cataracts increase. Your eye lenses wear out after years of use. In addition, your eye doctor will consider your family history and results from your eye exam.

Cataract Treatment

Fortunately, cataracts can be removed through a variety of methods. If you suspect you have cataracts, you should discuss treatment options with your eye doctor. You can opt for a simple operation to remove the cataract and replace the lens with an artificial lens. However, sometimes a new glasses prescription might be all that’s initially needed.
If you think you may have cataracts, you should visit an eye doctor and have him or her check your eyes. The eye doctor will be able to evaluate the extent of the cataracts and give you treatment options. For more information regarding cataract treatment in Tampa, please get in touch with a member of our team at Florida Eye Center.

To schedule a consultation with an eye doctor in Tampa at the Florida Eye Center, please request an appointment today.

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