(813) 972-4444

FAQ for Cataract Surgery

If you have clouded vision, sensitivity to light, difficulty driving at night, or frequently need to change the prescription for your eyeglasses, you are showing signs of cataracts. Unfortunately, treatment options for improving this condition are limited to cataract surgery. Fortunately, surgery is a safe and effective option. Surgery involves removing the clouded lens and replacing it with an artificial one. 

In this brief article, an eye doctor in Tampa with Florida Eye Center will answer a few frequently asked questions about cataract surgery. If you are interested in having this procedure performed and, in turn, improving your quality of life, consult an ophthalmologist in Tampa with Florida Eye Center.

When do cataracts typically develop?

Although cataracts can affect people of all ages, cataracts typically begin to affect people’s vision between the ages of 50 and 65. Cataracts begin with mild symptoms and slowly develop over time. Around 50 percent of individuals will have at least a mild cataract by their mid-60’s and nearly everyone will have some form of a cataract by the age of 75. 

If I have cataracts should I have surgery?

Not exactly. In many cases, a mild cataract will not affect a person’s vision. As the cataract grows, the symptoms will increase and a person will be more prone to have surgery to correct the issue. This is one of the many reasons why people should visit an eye doctor in Tampa annually. We can identify mild cataracts and monitor the cataract until it begins to affect your eye. If a cataract has grown to the point it’s affecting your vision, we may recommend surgery.  

What’s cataract surgery like and does it hurt?

Cataract surgery is a quick procedure and is a relatively pain-free process. An eye doctor will give you medication that will numb your eye so that you will only feel minimal discomfort. The doctor will then make a small incision in the front of the eye (sometimes with a laser). The lens is removed and replaced with a clear implant. After surgery, your eye may experience some itchiness or soreness for a few days; however, the majority of patients have fully healed and enjoy improved vision within eight weeks of surgery.    

Am I too old for cataract surgery?

There is no age limit for cataract surgery. In fact, the majority of patients that undergo surgery are 60 or older. There have been plenty of outpatient surgeries performed on individuals over the age of 80, 90, and even 100. If you are interested in cataract surgery, you will need to have a health evaluation from a regular physician. After your physical evaluation, if approved, you are cleared for surgery and can improve your vision and quality of life.   

To schedule a consultation for cataract treatment in Tampa at the Florida Eye Center, please request an appointment today.

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