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Common Causes of Poor Vision in Children

Nearly seven percent of children in the U.S are diagnosed with an eye and vision condition. But, many more children suffer with vision issues that go undiagnosed. 

Nearsightedness, farsightedness, and blurred vision are among some of the most common eye issues that children face. So, what are some of the root causes of these issues? 

For more information about the common causes of poor vision in children from a pediatric eye doctor in Tampa, read on. 

1. Prolonged Use of Digital Devices

The prevalence of nearsightedness, also known as myopia, has been rapidly increasing over recent years. One of the main contributing factors is prolonged use of digital devices like smartphones, tablets, and computers in children.

When a child’s eyes remain close to a screen for extended periods of time, their eyes can become strained. Their eyes are forced to adjust to a moving, lit-up image in close proximity. This can affect the eyes’ ability to focus as well as process other images and objects that are not in such close proximity. 

Since prolonged use of digital devices has been linked to nearsightedness in children, it is recommended to limit your child’s exposure. Consider setting time limits on digital device usage and replacing these activities with more time spent on physical activities that do not strain the eyes.

2. Genetics

Some common adolescent eye issues, like farsightedness, also known as hyperopia, can stem from genetics. Many infants are born with farsightedness that is corrected naturally as they mature.

However, children whose eyes do not naturally correct themselves from genetic hyperopia can still seek treatment. Some treatment techniques consist of wearing prescription glasses or contacts, as well as refractive surgery to correct the retina’s light processing in severe cases. 

If you suspect that your child is experiencing farsightedness, be sure to consult the help of a pediatric eye specialist.

3. Injury

In some cases, children can experience blurred vision as a result of an injury. Oftentimes, it is difficult for a child to communicate the extent or cause of their injury. While you may not realize they’ve hurt themself at first, trauma to the eyes and head can cause vision blurriness and even loss in severe cases.

If your child experiences sudden blurry vision, double vision, light sensitivity, or loss, it’s crucial to consult medical help right away. Most of the time, these issues can be fixed with treatment

If your child is experiencing gradual blurry vision that gets worse over time, they may also need prescription glasses, contacts, or corrective surgery. This issue can often stem from straining the eyes during school and play. 

Consult the Help of a Pediatric Eye Doctor in Tampa

If you suspect any issues in your child’s vision, it’s highly important to address it as soon as possible. Most eye issues like nearsightedness, farsightedness, and blurry vision can be corrected with professional optical services in Tampa. 

For more information on how the team at Florida Eye Center can help your child, contact us today.

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