
5 Interesting Facts About Your Eyes That You Should Know

Our eyes are amazing little machines that help us interact with the world. Not only can we see because of our eyes, but our vision has depth, focus, aperture, and range, all similar components to a camera lens. When our eyes are healthy, we often take vision for granted.

The moment we begin having issues with sight, we immediately realize just how important vision is for everyday life. 

Understanding the eye and how it works is just as essential as knowing who to go to when you need vision care. Here are five interesting facts about your eyes and information on what to do when you start having trouble seeing from a professional optometrist in Tampa.

Fact #1: Your Eyes Focus On 50 Different Objects Every Second

The eye is a complicated muscle that adjusts millions of times throughout our lives. The constant contraction and focus helps our brains interpret what we are seeing without realizing objects are out of focus.

Between the pupil, iris, and lens, our eyes receive visual cues and information from our environment. Our brains help the eye determine what to focus on at any moment.

Think about it like this; you just read this first fact without realizing your eye focused on every letter and word individually.

Fact #2: Your Eyes Can Distinguish Approximately 10 Million Different Colors

Our eyes are filled with rods and cones–no, not the ones you see on a construction site. These rods and cones are tiny and help us see color.

Rods and cones help us distinguish approximately 10 million colors and variations. Because of these working pieces in our eyes, we can decipher slight variations and nuances in color, which helps us enjoy nature, decorate our homes, and match clothing for special occasions.

Fact #3: 80 Percent of All Learning Comes Through the Eyes

Children learn the most through visual interactions with their environment. Seeing helps them understand abstract ideas that would otherwise be difficult to understand.

Unfortunately, one in four children has visual impairments in early childhood, impacting their learning and development. The good news is, visiting an optometrist can often help common eye issues with solutions like glasses, contacts, dry eye treatment, and more.

Fact #4: Your Eyes Can Detect a Candle Flame 1.6 Miles Away

Our eyes are so powerful and adept at focusing on minuscule points in our environment that we can detect a candle’s flame from 1.6 miles away. Although seeing a candle from this far would require a perfect environment, it shows how powerful our eyes are.

Fact #5: The Only Organ More Complex Than the Eye Is the Brain

If none of the previous facts were convincing enough, they support the following: the eye is the second most complex organ in our body, second to the brain.

The eye is so complex that it can conduct minimal corrections as it adjusts to external stimuli. But, the complexity doesn’t stop with its operations.

The eye can translate visual cues through the optic nerve so that our brain can understand what we see. The brain and eyes are closely related in operation and constantly communicate throughout the day.

Contact an Optometrist in Tampa

Even though the eye is a beautiful, complex organ, we often take it for granted until we have problems with our vision. Ignoring issues in your eyes can quickly lead to more severe problems, so you must take care of them by seeing your optometrist regularly.

Whether you’re dealing with dry eye, blurry vision, or need to upgrade your corrective lenses, visit your local optometrist in Tampa. We love eyes and understand how they work. Let us help you care for your eyes so you can enjoy them for the rest of your life.

Call us at (813) 602-7336 or schedule an appointment today.

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