
How to Protect Your Eyes from Digital Strain

With office jobs requiring computer use, smartphone technology connecting us in an instant, and ever-expanding television sizes captivating our attention, it’s no surprise that screens are a modern facet of daily life. You are reading this on a screen right now, in fact, and it’s likely that this is not the only article you have viewed today. But, with all of the benefits of modern technology, all of these screens can wreak havoc on our eyes through digital eye strain. 

In this brief article, an expert with the Florida Eye Center will help you understand how digital eye strain impacts your unique vision and a few of the ways to protect your eyes in today’s digital world.

Related: Why Should Adults Routinely Have Their Vision Checked?

What Is Digital Eye Strain?

As defined by the Mayo Clinic, “Eyestrain is a common condition that occurs when your eyes get tired from intense use, such as while driving long distances or staring at computer screens and other digital devices.” Digital eye strain refers specifically to eyestrain caused by computers, smartphones, television screens, or any other type of technology. This can be extremely frustrating for those who are required to spend long hours in front of a screen for work and are a leading cause of eye injuries in the workplace. 

Often, eye strain is worse while using digital devices because you blink less frequently, allowing the eyes to dry out and become damaged. Eyestrain can also worsen because of the angle you are viewing a screen, the size of the text, the brightness of the screen, and even the time of day when you are viewing the screen. 

What Are the Symptoms of Digital Eye Strain?

Symptoms of digital eye strain can range from itchy, dry, or burning eyes to blurred or double vision. However, symptoms of digital eye strain are not confined to the eyes alone. Symptoms may also include: 

  • Fatigue
  • Back, neck, and shoulder pain
  • Headaches

Ways to Prevent or Minimize Digital Eye Strain

There are a few precautions you can take to minimize digital eye strain and prevent it from worsening in the future. The key is creating a healthy environment for your eyes, allowing you to view screens as much as you need to while also providing your eyes with time to rest. 

A few other tips include: 

  • Take frequent breaks to rest your eyes
  • Limit screen time
  • Use artificial tears
  • Keep a sufficient distance from your screens (for example, computer screens should be an arm’s length away)
  • Reduce glare
  • Dim surrounding lights
  • Increase text size
  • Blink more often
  • Wear special “blue light” or computer glasses. 

If you are suffering from eye strain and have a need for optical in Tampa, get in touch with a specialist from the Florida Eye Center to schedule a consultation today. A member of our team will help you manage digital eye strain and will discuss the best blue light lenses available. 

To schedule a consultation for optical in Tampa with the Florida Eye Center, please request an appointment today.

Disclaimer: The contents of this website are for general educational purposes only. All content and media on the Florida Eye Center website does not constitute professional medical advice nor is the information intended to replace the services provided by the medical professionals at Florida Eye Center or other qualified medical professionals. If you believe you are having a medical emergency, call 911 immediately. 

The content, views, and opinions communicated on this website do not represent the views of Florida Eye Center. Reliance on any information provided by this website is solely at your own risk. Although this website contains links to other medical websites, this is strictly for informational purposes. Florida Eye Center is not responsible nor do they approve of the content featured on any third party linked websites referenced on this website.

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